With palms together,
Good Morning Everyone,
It is early in the morning. I woke at just before 4:00 AM. I enjoy the early morning hours very much as they are usually quite quiet and cool. The weather here in New Mexico has been exceedingly toasty with daily temps over a hundred degrees. The good news is that this should change as the rains come beginning in July. Mornings, as a result, are cooler and in the quiet provided, I am able to sit in reflection about the coming day.
About the Kitchen:
We have been hard at work in the Temple this past week. Tenzo Tamra has revamped the kitchen, did a deep cleaning, and is now ready to assume her duties for the coming Sesshin. Please honor her work and be respectful of the Temple by washing any cups, glasses or other dishware you may use while there. Also, if you make coffee or tea, prepare food, or something of the kind, please take care to clean up after yourself.
A few words regarding our Order and the Zendo:
Please do not interrupt the officiating priest during his/her teisho. He/She may or may not ask for questions. Only ask one question and do not follow-up with another unless asked. Question and answer periods following teisho are not free-wheeling discussions.
Please wait until the officiating priest leaves the room to get up from your cushion. Please clean your zabuton and refresh your zafu before leaving. All zabutons should be in line with each other against the wall. Replace your sutra cards under the zabuton so that it is not showing. Please do not bring items into the Zendo. This includes bottled water. You will not dehydrate in the hour you are in seated Zen.
There will be times when we will sit for periods longer than our typical 25 minute practice periods. These will not be announced. Rest assured the time-keeper has not fallen asleep. Longer periods can assist us in our practice. Questions that arise during practice (such as “when is that bell going to ring?”) are best left let go: just sit.
Dokusan in our Order has been understood to be more an informal discussion period with the teacher. We will endeavor to make dokusan a bit more formal over the next several weeks. Please understand, interviews with your teacher are considered a part of your practice. If you are a student of a teacher, please make sure you have and maintain regular dokusan times. These are not for a specified amount of time nor are they discussion sessions, but are, rather, examinations by the teacher of your practice and understanding. Dokusan is opened with a bell and a bow and closed with a bell and bow. Silence may be a part of the dokusan time. Allow for this space. Use this space. Include in its use, a short period or a longer period. Everything that happens in relation to your time with your teacher (in and out of dokusan) should be considered part of both the teaching and your practice.
Today at Clear Mind Zen we will practice Zazen at 9:30 AM, again at 6:00 PM, and conclude the day with our Comparative Religions Discussion Group at 7:00 PM. The topic for the evening is the chapter in the text on Confucianism.
Lastly, if you have not already made your donation as Members or Friends of the Order, please do so. The Order relies on your monthly support.
Thank you and I hope to see you soon!