Organ Mountain Zen

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Three Treasures

With palms together,
Good Morning All,

This morning I would like to talk a bit about the Three Refuges: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. When we "take refuge" in these three treasures we are not going anywhere. Its not like we are entering a cave or a fortress, secluding ourselves from the rest of the universe. These Three Treasures are living and breathing aspects of ourselves.

Each of us is a Buddha,and in a larger sense, the entire universe is Buddha. It is buddha-nature. Where is there to go that buddha-nature is not? The Buddha himself was only a representation of this, an embodiment, if you will, of us all. Simply a man who through his practice released himself from delusion, freed himself from hatred, and was the pure _expression of compassion. When we take refuge in this, we vow to be this.

Each of us is Dharma, and in a larger sense, the entire universe is Dharma. Dharma is the how and the what of everything. When we put this into words, it becomes a teaching, written down it is a scripture. Even in falsehood truth resides.

Each of us is Sangha. Life is not divisible. Categories of life are mental constructions that destroy the wetness of process. All of life is Sangha at various stages of awakening. When we enter the Sangha, we open our eyes to this intimate truth.

Vowing to become one with these is really a recognition that this oneness already exists. In the vow you become a complete expression of this unity.

Be well.


  1. You wrote, "Each of us is Dharma, and in a larger sense, the entire universe is Dharma. Dharma is the how and the what of everything. When we put this into words, it becomes a teaching, written down it is a scripture. Even in falsehood truth resides."

    It is weird but sometimes the truth is made clear by falsehood.

    yesterday Brad Warner wrote, "Our society -- meaning all of human society -- is based largely upon studiously avoiding the truth that stares us in the face every moment of every day. Stop avoiding looking at the truth and you cannot possibly miss it."

    Dogen said that people love what is false and they hate what is true.

    By the way, I love your phrase, "the wetness of process.."

    thanks for sharing harvey-san
