Organ Mountain Zen

Sunday, October 1, 2006

A Moment in Time

With palms together,
Good Morning All,

This morning I woke late. Our visits to Memphis to see Grandson Tate are real vacations. I have set up a small alter in my daughter's walk-in closet. I brought cedar incense my zafu, and small bell. I sit there for a period in the evening before bed.

Morning zazen is out. At least a formal period. Too many people with differing agendas. So, I sit is small moments. As we talk, play with the baby, wait for dinner, or some other activity. I bring my back up, plant my feet like small trees, and sit still. The moment and me join hands.

In this way we can be mindful throughout the day. Taking every sound and scent, taste, and action, as a temple bell. Such moments are delicious. Yet we should never become attached to them. The most important thing is what we do with our mind in each moment. If we use our mind to cling, to add value, diminish value, or in other ways distort the moment, big problem.

Better is to just be.

And so it goes.

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. i had to start getting up before the others to sit in quiet and then go to bed as the others are waking. what a hassle. heh
