With palms together,
Good Morning All,
We have an opportunity today to be reminded of the blessings of the yearly cycle. This is spring, Easter, Passover, Hannamatsuri, a time of hope and re-generation. Many cultures come out of an agrarian background. Life cycles were closely connected to our planet's seasonal cycles. In this modern era, we seem to have lost that connection on many levels, As a result ofthis dis-connect, some of the real meanings of the season are lostto us. To compensate we fall back on belief. Belief is a wonderful thing, in some ways, a hindrance in others.
When living in belief, we live in the world of the mind. Hopeful, we are looking for tomorrow, not living in the experience of this moment. This is why, in some sense, Zen sees hope as a problem. Hope takes us away from the work at hand, though it also can inspire us and motivate us to move into the future.
As in all things, a balance is very important.
For those who are Christian on the list, Happy Easter! For those Jewish, Happy Pesach, for those who are singularly Buddhist, a joyous Hannamatsuri.
May we all be happy and present.
Be well.
Organ Mountain Zen
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Being One
With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,
We have been exploring reality from the point of view that both objective and subjective experience are one. One makes the other, the other makes the one. In fact, they are the same reality experienced in different ways, from different perspectives: very functional. We must be able to see subject and object at certain times, use thought to plan, etc. But we must also not lose sight of the fact that this is an artificial device created through the way our brain works in order to enhance our survival. Reality itself, is not two, but one.
When we approach our life, our practice, in this way, we begin to see that everything is sacred, nothing is profane. Indeed, such categories are local devices, rather than universal truth. As we light a stick of incense, all beings are lighting a stick of incense. As we bow, all beings are bowing. As we bring ourselves to the other shore, all beings are brought to the other shore. You and God share the same space, the same reality. When you touch, God touches. When you see, God sees. When you eat, God eats. Being one with God changes everything.
This is nothing more than the simple truth.
So difficult, however, to realize, so powerful the discriminating brain.
Whether we each believe in God is irrelevant. Call God the universe, it doesn't really matter. What matters is your willingness to open yourself to its vastness.
Be well.
Good Morning Sangha,
We have been exploring reality from the point of view that both objective and subjective experience are one. One makes the other, the other makes the one. In fact, they are the same reality experienced in different ways, from different perspectives: very functional. We must be able to see subject and object at certain times, use thought to plan, etc. But we must also not lose sight of the fact that this is an artificial device created through the way our brain works in order to enhance our survival. Reality itself, is not two, but one.
When we approach our life, our practice, in this way, we begin to see that everything is sacred, nothing is profane. Indeed, such categories are local devices, rather than universal truth. As we light a stick of incense, all beings are lighting a stick of incense. As we bow, all beings are bowing. As we bring ourselves to the other shore, all beings are brought to the other shore. You and God share the same space, the same reality. When you touch, God touches. When you see, God sees. When you eat, God eats. Being one with God changes everything.
This is nothing more than the simple truth.
So difficult, however, to realize, so powerful the discriminating brain.
Whether we each believe in God is irrelevant. Call God the universe, it doesn't really matter. What matters is your willingness to open yourself to its vastness.
Be well.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Re: [Zen Living] Evaluation of Soto
With palms together,
God Morning Sangha,
Guy has written an excellent post below. He asks similar questions Master Dogen asked many centuries ago.
Let me try to walk through this as a morning message.
We are indeed, enlightened and perfect as we are. Why practice? Dogen asked this very question. Because we possess Buddha nature does not mean we arer in touch with it. Because we can run or walk or talk, does not mean we can do it without practice. We inherently possess, but we must manifest.
The Sixth Patriarch uses a similar metaphor in his Platform Sutra. A rival for the robe suggests the mind is like a mirror and that practice must be used to clear the dust from its surface. Hui-Neng argues back:
Bodhi originally has no tree,
The mirror also has no stand.
Buddha nature is always clean and pure;
Where is there room for dust?
(Yoplansky translation, p. 132)
The questions raised in this post are essential. The go to the heart of the matter. What is "reality?" Why do we even concern ourselves with it? What is "enlightenment?" What is "Samsara?" What is "dust, the mirror?" If A is A, why B?
These questions are not an evaluation of Soto. They are the questions that take us to the cushion. They are the questions that provide a 'platform' for our existence and thus, our practice.
Apparent contradiction and paradox in Zen should always be understood as existing within a certain point of reference: relative truth. Resolution of the paradox exists in Absoulte truth. Practice teaches us both the difference and the means of being simultaneously in both. Samsara/Nirvana: heads/tails, one coin.
There are many practice gates. Zazen is the first and last, but this is Zazen properly understood. What is this "properly understood?" That is your practice.
If we sit with a corse in a cemetary, as once was done, we do not stink, we discover stink and the sweet smell of a rose are essentially the same. Our valuations are something we add. If we sit with a corpse and witness decomposition, we see life. We see process. We see ourselves as something not dependent on form.
Such activities as sitting with corpses, sitting with ourselves, eating in mindful silence, tea ceremonies, koans, the smack of the kyasaku on our shoulders are simply means, but here's the thing. They are also ends. Reality is 'perfect' as it can be no other way than it is. Our thoughts about it, how we discern it, our relative comfort and discomfrt within it, these are imperfection.
I hope this short answer helps.
Be well.
ventouxboy <ventouxboy@yahoo.com> wrote:
God Morning Sangha,
Guy has written an excellent post below. He asks similar questions Master Dogen asked many centuries ago.
Let me try to walk through this as a morning message.
We are indeed, enlightened and perfect as we are. Why practice? Dogen asked this very question. Because we possess Buddha nature does not mean we arer in touch with it. Because we can run or walk or talk, does not mean we can do it without practice. We inherently possess, but we must manifest.
The Sixth Patriarch uses a similar metaphor in his Platform Sutra. A rival for the robe suggests the mind is like a mirror and that practice must be used to clear the dust from its surface. Hui-Neng argues back:
Bodhi originally has no tree,
The mirror also has no stand.
Buddha nature is always clean and pure;
Where is there room for dust?
(Yoplansky translation, p. 132)
The questions raised in this post are essential. The go to the heart of the matter. What is "reality?" Why do we even concern ourselves with it? What is "enlightenment?" What is "Samsara?" What is "dust, the mirror?" If A is A, why B?
These questions are not an evaluation of Soto. They are the questions that take us to the cushion. They are the questions that provide a 'platform' for our existence and thus, our practice.
Apparent contradiction and paradox in Zen should always be understood as existing within a certain point of reference: relative truth. Resolution of the paradox exists in Absoulte truth. Practice teaches us both the difference and the means of being simultaneously in both. Samsara/Nirvana: heads/tails, one coin.
There are many practice gates. Zazen is the first and last, but this is Zazen properly understood. What is this "properly understood?" That is your practice.
If we sit with a corse in a cemetary, as once was done, we do not stink, we discover stink and the sweet smell of a rose are essentially the same. Our valuations are something we add. If we sit with a corpse and witness decomposition, we see life. We see process. We see ourselves as something not dependent on form.
Such activities as sitting with corpses, sitting with ourselves, eating in mindful silence, tea ceremonies, koans, the smack of the kyasaku on our shoulders are simply means, but here's the thing. They are also ends. Reality is 'perfect' as it can be no other way than it is. Our thoughts about it, how we discern it, our relative comfort and discomfrt within it, these are imperfection.
I hope this short answer helps.
Be well.
ventouxboy <ventouxboy@yahoo.com> wrote:
Good day all sangha, I've been exploring the Soto line of Zen for
the past year and have started to come to conclusions that may draw
me away from it. So let me see if my understanding is correct. It
seems to me that Soto's view is that if there is something wrong
with reality, what is wrong is not reality. We are already perfectly
awakened, there is nothing to achieve. And I fully agree with this,
to a point. The point is this. Isn't the act of "just sitting",
although not trying to achieve anything, doing exactly that? It's
clearing the mirror of our minds. If we were perfectly awake, we
wouldn't clear anything from our minds when we meditate.
So there is something wrong, we live in Samsara. Our view is not
perfect, although buddha said it is possible to achieve. In one of
Sodaiho's post the other day he made reference to Dogen's statement
that we are all living on leftovers. Sidhartha found the way, we
just follow what he did. So i consider this the source to fall back
on even though the cannons were not written in buddha's time. Brings
me to two conclusions. First, suffering exist, and Buddha advocated
alleviating suffering. Seems to acknowledge that something might
just be wrong. Second ,buddha taught in ways other than just
meditation. After recently being admonished by a Soto priest for
saying to face one's fears; he came back and reinforced my point by
saying that Buddha sent his monks to sleep with corpses. Hard to say
what Buddha was trying to say here: maybe it was confronting the
fear of death, maybe he was telling his monks they smell bad. But it
points to teaching off the mat. So maybe there is more than "just
Anyway, this is my conflict with Soto. Anybody able to resolve
this? In gassho, Guy.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
A Day
With palms together,
Good Afternoon Sangha,
This morning I went out the door early. A full sun, a cool breeze, and an appointment at the dermatologist's office. The doc and I are buds, we went to the same graduate school. Anyway, I ran down to his office and entered. It was a three mile run and by the time I got there, it was a tad warm. I arrived 15 minutes early, as I had planned so that I could have a little time to cool off and wash up in the restroom. As I began washing off with cold water, the nurse told me he was ready to see me, so sweat and all, I walked into the exam room.
He enters right away, we chat for a minute comparing babies (his) grandbabies (mine). He asks why I'm so sweaty. I tell him I jogged to his office. He said I was crazy. I agreed. He did, however, support my craziness.
He numbs the skin on my neck, cuts a chunk out and gave me a couple of scripts. I go back in two weeks.
Well. Added up, I was in and out in 15 minutes. Way early. My Little Honey was supposed to pick me up at the docs an hour later. So. I ran more. I asked the clerical staff to let Judy know I was at the Barnes & Nobles bookstore and off I went. Another mile.
At B & N I browsed through the poetry, religion, philosophy, and running sections for anything new or that piqued my interest. I asked about a new book out by the guy who saved all those souls in Ruwanda. Not in. I heard him on CNN or NPR or somewhere.
Little Honey arrives and we have lunch at the Bountiful Bakery. After a vegan sandwich, we then went to get the taxes done. Glad that is out of the way.
We are now at home, the temperature on my car thermometer said it was 95 degrees.
Life comes and goes like that. Both Pepper and Tripper were happy to see us, but quickly went back to sleep on their respective spots on the floor.
Tonight we will go to the local Temple's Seder, drink a few glasses of wine, eat some matza, and enjoy.
For those Jewish Buddhists among us, Happy Pesach! For those Christian Buddhists, Happy Easter!
Total miles run: 4.0
Be well.
Harvey So Daiho Hilbert
May All Beings Be Free From Suffering
On the web at http://www.daihoji.org/
and http://daihoji.blogspot.com/
New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Self and the Relativity of Truth
With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,
On my Yahoo 360 blogsite, there is a place called a "Blast." It enables the blogger to make a quick little statement, ask a question, etc. Every morning I create a new "Blast" statement and change the color theme of the blog. I feel this keeps things fresh and present.
This morning's blast thought was about individuality. When we allow our indentification with "self" to fall away, then all sorts of things are made possible. Dogen suggests that everything becomes our Teacher. This is so because we have no self acting as a hindrance. It goes deeper than that, however.
When we cease indentifying with this "self" and this "body" then death and life themselves cease to carry weight. We can become aware of the great stream of living and dying, like the ocean's tide, eternally flowing.
More, with no individual self, everything can be more clearly understood in its relation to everything else: a great web or net containing both point and interconnection.
To say we cease identifying with self does not mean self does not exist. It means self is understood in its proper relation to the universe. In this sense we begin to identify with the great vastness, understanding the relativity of all things.
It is in this understanding that we begin to see truth as both relative and absolute simultaneously.
Be well.
Good Morning Sangha,
On my Yahoo 360 blogsite, there is a place called a "Blast." It enables the blogger to make a quick little statement, ask a question, etc. Every morning I create a new "Blast" statement and change the color theme of the blog. I feel this keeps things fresh and present.
This morning's blast thought was about individuality. When we allow our indentification with "self" to fall away, then all sorts of things are made possible. Dogen suggests that everything becomes our Teacher. This is so because we have no self acting as a hindrance. It goes deeper than that, however.
When we cease indentifying with this "self" and this "body" then death and life themselves cease to carry weight. We can become aware of the great stream of living and dying, like the ocean's tide, eternally flowing.
More, with no individual self, everything can be more clearly understood in its relation to everything else: a great web or net containing both point and interconnection.
To say we cease identifying with self does not mean self does not exist. It means self is understood in its proper relation to the universe. In this sense we begin to identify with the great vastness, understanding the relativity of all things.
It is in this understanding that we begin to see truth as both relative and absolute simultaneously.
Be well.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Is everyone eating leftovers?
Master Dogen writes: The ordinary states, the outer ordinary states --- bamboo in the mountains, cypresses in the yard. Partial sage,ultimate sage --- spring flowers, autumn moon.
When you have attained the realm of Zen, there is no Zen; when you clarfy the realm of desire, there is no desire.
There is no one in the whole world who understands Buddhism --- everyone is eating leftovers.
To say it is like something would miss it --- it is not in the company of myriad things. What stages are there? What do you want with the beyond?
Eihei Koroku (translated by Cleary)
Our practice of the Buddha Way is our practice of the Buddha way. Yours is not mine. Each of us must enter the gate ourself. My words to you are like shit. They mean little to nothing, mere tracks of one who has gone before.
When we experience the wind in our face, the shock of a sound, or the smell of a corpse or flower, we are experiencing ourselves. As I paint a picture, it is just a painting of a picture. Quite different from your actual experience.
I urge you to practice the Buddha Way for yourself. What does this mean? Nothing really. Just stop and sit still. Create an opprtunity for you to experience the universe as it is, rather than as you think it is.
Be well.
When you have attained the realm of Zen, there is no Zen; when you clarfy the realm of desire, there is no desire.
There is no one in the whole world who understands Buddhism --- everyone is eating leftovers.
To say it is like something would miss it --- it is not in the company of myriad things. What stages are there? What do you want with the beyond?
Eihei Koroku (translated by Cleary)
Our practice of the Buddha Way is our practice of the Buddha way. Yours is not mine. Each of us must enter the gate ourself. My words to you are like shit. They mean little to nothing, mere tracks of one who has gone before.
When we experience the wind in our face, the shock of a sound, or the smell of a corpse or flower, we are experiencing ourselves. As I paint a picture, it is just a painting of a picture. Quite different from your actual experience.
I urge you to practice the Buddha Way for yourself. What does this mean? Nothing really. Just stop and sit still. Create an opprtunity for you to experience the universe as it is, rather than as you think it is.
Be well.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Doing and Not Doing
With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,
Is there time in your day for yourself? A moment where you can stop and be still, opening yourself to everything by not doing?
If we do not create such time and opportunity, we waste away. Living well requires both motion and stillness, doing and non-doing. If we tend to a plant too much it will die. If we tend to it too little, it will also die. We are the same.
How much of each is sufficient? In human terms, what is tending and non-tending?
Very excellent questions. Questions these are for your practice of living your life.
The most important thing is to both answer them, then practice!
Life is short, you have a precious opportunity, get going!
Be well.
Good Morning Sangha,
Is there time in your day for yourself? A moment where you can stop and be still, opening yourself to everything by not doing?
If we do not create such time and opportunity, we waste away. Living well requires both motion and stillness, doing and non-doing. If we tend to a plant too much it will die. If we tend to it too little, it will also die. We are the same.
How much of each is sufficient? In human terms, what is tending and non-tending?
Very excellent questions. Questions these are for your practice of living your life.
The most important thing is to both answer them, then practice!
Life is short, you have a precious opportunity, get going!
Be well.
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