Organ Mountain Zen

Monday, June 27, 2022

Who Owns Our Bodies?

 Dear Readers,

For the record, I oppose abortion as a general rule since I support life. I also support the sanctity of privacy, freedom of choice, and a society where government has no business in our bedroom. I this regard, then, I support freedom of choice when it involves itself in our lives.  We do not criminally charge those who attempt suicide, nor do we issue Social Security and Medicaid cards to those not yet born.  So, I wonder of what use is a birth certificate?  Why not issue an embryo certificate instead?

Just a thought.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022


There are a few things a Zen priest or teacher ought not do besides the obvious, violating his/her vows, and one of them is hiding behavior.  It's akin to acts of omission, which is to say, lying by not telling the truth when not asked.  I have always believed in transparency. As a priest and Zen teacher believe I have an obligation to be as "up-front" with the public, and in particular, my students and readers, as possible and appropriate.  

As I write this, I worry how it will be read and what the consequences may be for sharing such intimate details about my life choices over the last year. But it will be what it will be.  As Vonnegut used to say, "So it goes."

For the last couple of decades, I have taken a drug called "Mirapex."  It is used to quell leg spasms and restless leg syndrome (RLS). Unfortunately for me, the drug has some rather toxic, if not malicious, side effects I was not made aware of which have deeply disturbed me, my wifem students, and now you, dear readers. There are several challenging side effects, but most relevant are two: a lowering of impulse control and an increase of addictive behaviors; frankly, a match made in hell. 

By writing about this drug, I am in no way excusing my behavior, but offering an explanation for it, as well as a warning to anyone reading this to stay away from Mirapex. It is a dangerous drug and studies have shown it has caused many people to lose their homes, end their marriages, and otherwise rain down hell upon users.

So, I have deleted my Facebook account and no longer engage in online sexual conduct or discussion. I used to sign on to sex sites, meet women, spend money, etc. Ashamed and depressed, I take up the Way. As this day closes, another opens.  May it be filled with the light of day.





Recently I've taken to being far more reclusive than ever before. I'm no longer on Facebook or other social media, do not keep my device glued to my hip, and am generally not particularly responsive to inquiries. I have found this new position to be quite liberating, although somewhat frustrating as a writer. Writers need readers, you know?

Anyway, the Zen of it is this: practice is key, not an audience. One teaches through one's life, not one's written word. 

So, when the bell is invited to ring, sit. Or practice kinhin. Or practice oryoki. Or practice samu. 

There is nothing more.

Be well.


 June 15, 2022

Public Schedule:

Sunday at 10:00 AM Zen Service with Dharma Talk

Wednesday Evening at 6:00 PM Zen Study

All times Mountain Time

On Zoom. If interested, send an email to me at