Organ Mountain Zen

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Valentine

With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,

May each of your hearts be warm and open.

In a world where the news is as an acid to our connections with one another, I ask that we hold hands in prayer. Love is the antidote to hatred. There is no more powerful antidote to its corrosive effects. Yet, to love requires courage and faith. Courage to love those that hate us; faith that in the process of loving, life will continue to blossom. If we are worried that our individual flame will be snuffed out, we are lost.

We must look deeply at this hate, see its fundamental cause as fear, and assuage that fear. In its place, we offer peace and compassionate regard. We offer support and nurturance. We do not feed the delusion of separation, we feed the truth of oneness and interdependence. Who here is a separate, fully self-sustaining individual who has "made it" with no help or support or teaching or encouragement or nurturance from others?

It is so easy to talk this talk. My challenge is for each of us to walk it.

Another form of kinhin.

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the warmth and courage..

    yes it is a challenge, no mud no lotus; to hate the mud is to hate a big part of ourselves.

    i think America the Beautiful is Beautiful in spite of troubles.

    i used to allow circumstances to make me a bitter reed, no longer allow it, as then what good would i be to self and other.

    here in texas, we are beginning to develop alternatives to gas and also have wind farms that are used in electricity production.

    me sees that social security is a sad state of affairs,as well as other social programs, and was never meant to be permanent. perhaps we all need to encourage our representatives to see what is best in the long run and in the short run we help take care of our elderly.

    my father in law lives with us, his medical problems too great to afford to live alone in more ways than one....

    we pay my great grannies rent and go see my parents as often as possible and cook and clean, and smile and play

    maybe we all can consider those things too

    all are our mothers, how can we abandon

    thank you for being You
    hope you find this encouraging, not discouraging

    loving friendliness,deb
