With Palms Together,
Good Morning All,
We saw An Inconvenient Truth last night. Al Gore should receive a medal for his efforts with his slide show and this film. It is a deeply challenging film, scary, yet hopeful. And a moral statement about us as a species.
Many people feel politics and religion do not mix. I have been one of them. Yet, on closer inspection, ethics and morality are at the heart of both so how do we really separate them? I believe most people who say this, are using a rather narrow understanding of "political" to mean American politics, democrat, republican, independent, or green parties.
Al Gore believes this environment crisis is not a political issue, per se, but a moral one. I agree with this when using a lessor definition of politics. Yet, when it comes to what to do with the moral question and challenge, we are left with ethics and ethics demand action. Individual action and social action. Social action is by definition political as it is done within a body politic.
Our religious commitments are the nexus between the individual and the community, the community and the universe, the univesre and the Universal.
If you have not seen this film, I urge you to see it. I saw yesterday that Gore has a book just released by the same title. Read it. Get involved on some level large or small: this is your planet and your planet is the home of all of your generations.
Be well,
May All Beings Be Free From Suffering
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Great stuff .. I never thought i would have the opportunity to see Mr. Gore's movie in a theater, but it has somehow managed to make it to my little corner of the world this week .. I'm going to see it today and really looking forward to it