Organ Mountain Zen

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What's Important

Good Morning Everyone,

Question: What is the most important thing to do? Answer: Not live as if this is more important than that.

When living a Zen life, we live with everything as it is. So, in this moment, the most important thing are the keys on my keyboard as my fingers touch them while writing to you.

There are many "also importants" such as Pete-kitty resting on the arm of the sofa as I type, the sound of the morning dove's outside, and the pleasurable thought of My Little Honey nestled in our bed sleeping just now. But, the most important thing is always the thing we are doing. What we are doing is our life.

More important, less important; more valuable, less valuable: these judgements get in the way of actual living. They also get in the way of our appreciating our life and the lives around us.

Practice to appreciate what is there before you.

Be well.

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