Organ Mountain Zen

Friday, January 29, 2010

Entering the Way

With palms together,

Good Morning Everyone,

The language of the spirit is not to be assigned the particular, but must remain in the universal. This means matters of spirit are not masculine or feminine. They are not Jewish or Christian, Muslim or Buddhist. Spiritual is by definition of everything and therefore completely universal. In a very real way, taking up the path of spiritual journey requires a shift in orientation away from the particular. It requires leaving home.

Assignment of gender or ethnicity or religion or social class of anything leads to separation.separation to valuation, valuation to discrimination, discrimination to suffering. Assignment leads to being stuck in a view and considering that view reality.

Reality is none of that and a true Bodhisattva Warrior lives without the assignment of, and alignment of, labels, classes, categories, or hierarchies. A Zen Buddhist is not a Zen Buddhist, but a being connected with the universe assisting others to realize that same connection. We wear our robe not to separate, but to unite.

The literal robe is just pieces of cloth sewn together as peoples are sewn together. Yet, it is, itself, just pieces of cloth. The true robe is the formless field of benefaction residing in non-duality and the non-assignment of linguistic categories.

Our practice is to drop away, drop away, in order to allow the Universal room to bloom within us.

Be well.

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