Organ Mountain Zen

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


An Pro-Life Rant:

Pay attention so-called "Pro-Lifers." Your wish is likely to come true. And all your toxic rants regarding abortion will be retired. Yet, most of you like to talk about the consequences of people's actions, so let's just do that, OK?
What do you suppose the consequences will be when millions of unwanted or accidental pregnancies are forced to come to term? The mother forced against her will to deliver a baby she does not want, nor likely in many cases, cannot deal with? Adoption? Foster Care? Really good choices right? The cost of those unwanted children, both to the children themselves, the families, and the state and federal governments will be lifelong and very, very high, both financially and psychologically. Forcing someone to do with their body what they don't want to do is atrocious.
Maybe, as a partial solution we ought force men to have vasectomies, right? Or force men to stay in unloving relationships to care for a child they never asked for nor want? After-all, its not just about te mothers, you know? But I don't hear you jumping up and down about that. Poor guy.
And then we have desperation and the coat hanger solution. Oh, but wait, we can now charge the woman with variations of murder. Court costs, psychological trauma, prison and probation costs, right, that's such a f*cking GOOD idea. So, a woman climbs into a tub with water and a coat hanger. Good grief, where has your sense of decency and compassion gone? Oh, right, to the fetus (NOT UNBORN CHILD, that's an oxymoron). 
There are a few "pro-lifers" who get a lukewarm pass from me, those who are consistent and truly value life, all life, including being against the death penalty, war, and other forms of killing human beings who are actually born. But for the vast majority, no pass. You call yourselves pro-life but go to war and kill. You call yourselves pro-life and support the death penalty. You call yourselves pro-life but elect a man who has single-handedly set in motion the dismantling of the EPA with potentially life threatening events like allowing corporations to dump their waste in our nation's water supplies. 
Frankly you both make me sick and morally disgusted. Let's hope your daughters don't find themselves in such a situation. But wait! Those among you, especially well-off Republicans, can afford to fly your girls to Canada, can't you? Hypocrites.

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