Organ Mountain Zen

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oh say (what) can you see?

With palms together,

I read a story yesterday on the Associated Press wire, I think it was, about documents that suggest the US Army took wives and children hostage as a tactic to coerce insurgents to surrender. If this story is true, I am appalled. More than appalled. I am sickened. For so many decades the United States has held itself out as the "good guy" in world conflict. We make much ado about insurgents taking hostages, about our not negotiating with "terrorists." Yet, here we are.

Has our moral compass been so thoroughly disrupted? Are we so fundamentally broken? I am deeply worried about my nation. Our people seem to have lost faith. We have seemingly been sold a bill of goods by our government and the conservative, Christian Right who, evidence would suggest are mean-spirited bigots who will apparently condone pretty much any behavior in the name of their values.

Torture, hostage taking, holding "enemy combatants" forever without trial or charges, premptive invasion of another country, domestic spying, corruption, ...all recent Republican efforts. Its as though when they achieved power in government they felt free to throw off the shackles of civilization and live as they saw fit regardless of the rights of others.

What's a good Buddhist to do?

Be well.

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