Organ Mountain Zen

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Full Cup

With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,

There is a story about a scholar who visits an Old Zen Master to receive instruction. The Master pours tea into a cup for the scholar; full, the cup overflows until the scholar shouts "stop!"

Unless we are willing to empty ourselves of what we think we know, there can be no room for what presents itself in each moment. Zazen is like a slow leak.

Take your cup and go.

Be well.


  1. one of the better descriptions I've heard of what zazen is. thanks

  2. I understand the premise of dropping conceptions.. I realize my thoughts and opinions are not important. I just need to remember that I only started sitting this winter and things might move slowly with me if they move at all.

    One thing I thought of today was that I shouldn't worry too much about my own happiness but try and think about what is best for other people. Being compassionate to others is being compassionate to yourself.

  3. Hello Jeff, Your thoughts and opinions are, indeed, important. Just don't treasure them as if they were keepsakes. Our is our thought that get us safely through a day. Our opinions, assuming they are well grounded, are of value to us as guides. But if we use them as if they were glasses with which to see through, we will not see clearly. If we keep them in our heads and hearts, we will soon be quite cluttered. As you intimate, patience, Jeff, its a good thing to develope. Be well.

  4. During a tea-break a pupil asked Suzuki Roshi: What do you think of al these silly zenpupils around you?????

    "you are all enlightend, said Roshi, until you open your mouth"
