Organ Mountain Zen

Friday, March 10, 2006

What it is

With palms together,
Good Morning Sangha,

When we are being in the present moment, as it is, there is no room for anything else. This moment, as it is, is full and complete. So, what is this moment, as it is?

Sitting Zazen without sitting Zazen. Cleaning without cleaning. Talking without talking. Eating without eating. Listening without listening.

Zen is being complete in this moment without adding words, names, labels, judgements, thoughts, likes or dislikes to it.

When we are correctly oriented to living this way, everything becomes easy. No problem.

Living this way allows our breathing to be what it is: free.
Living this way allows our Buddha-nature to flower.
Living this way allows our love to be itself.
Living this way allows our compassion to enfold the planet.
Living this way allows all things to be One.

Be well.


  1. So, Is it possible to be really in the moment at all times, or is it just something that we should aspire to as an ideal? Thank you.

  2. Hello Jeff. Don't aspire. Just do.Ideals get in the way as they paint pretty pictures that never seem to match reality. It is possibleto be in the moment at all times, provided we make the effort to be awake. Aware that I am breathing, I breathe. Aware that I am thinking, I think. Aware thaqt I am feeling, I feel. Awake. Awake. Awake. Getting caught in the web of thought, falling asleep in that web, big problem. Practice, Jeff, practice.
