Organ Mountain Zen

Thursday, June 8, 2006

10 Hints for Improving Yourself

Hints for improving yourself:

1. If you must watch television, watch something you don't fully understand or don't particular know anything about.

2. Read books.

3. Read books you don't undertand and try to understand them.

4. Refuse to watch the Fox Network in any of its manifestations.

5. The moment you believe you know something, learn it in a different way.

6. Do some form of exercise daily.

7. Avoid red meat in particular and other meats, if possible.

8. Eat more fruit and vegetables.

9. Sit still at least thirty minutes a day and witness yourself in the universe.

10. Open your heart up to others as often as possible, but with dignity and respect for privacy and appropriate decorum.

Practice these daily for a month and see what happens.


  1. Hello Sodaiho-roshi,

    I am very disturbed by the war as well. My father is an ultraconservative who does not understand the karmic repercussions of the actions we are engaging in. He expressed great joy today, as did my sister, that Al-Zarqawi was dead, and "burining in hell". Ironically, according to Zarqawi's own faith, he is in a sensual paradise for eternity. This is madness. i live with him, and cannot do anything about this. He watches Fox News constantly. I simply accept this.

    Be Well

  2. If you do not watch FOX news you will not understand what a majority of the people in the United States are thinking. Taking in alternative viewpoints is never harmful. Just keep your head together and think about what it is they are trying to teach you and why.
