Organ Mountain Zen

Monday, June 19, 2006


With palms together,
Good Morning All,

The Buddha said: Hatreds do not ever cease in this world by hating, but by not hating; this is an eternal truth.

And how easy is that!

This is a core practice. We know that thoughts of ill will arise. We see this every day, indeed, we experience this every day. Zazen teaches us that these thoughts and their concommitant feelings come, but also go. Zazen teaches us that by residing in stillness, even while in motion, we do not enact ill will.

The Buddha is stating a behavioral truth here. We can change our heart by changing our behavior. If we choose not to enact hate, we will reduce and eventually elimiate hate from our minds and hearts. Just so, if we decide nor to swear, swearing will becomeless a habit of mind and heart.

The eternal truth here is that mind, heart, and body are one.

Replace hate with love and there's a possibility that its good medicine will heal the world, one being at a time.

Be well.


  1. the last two posts were great harvey-san. Thanks!

  2. speaking of your latest post, i saw you were on the dogen sangha blog. the fellow who co-authored nishijima's translation of shobogenzo comes off rather oddly for a 20+ year zazen practioneer. it gives a novice pause..
