Organ Mountain Zen

Friday, April 16, 2010

Buttered Toast

With palms together,
Good Morning Everyone,

Today is a sunny day with a threat of rain sometime. It would seem there is always a threat of something if we listen to the news. I chose not to. Whatever is there is there: my life is to meet it as completely as possible. Although I did not sleep well, I still woke at four and listened to the stillness of the early morning.

My heart/mind is opening, but I sat Zazen early today troubled by my lack of sleep. Sitting quietly, my eyes felt heavy, and I was mindful of a deep desire to just fall asleep there on the cushion.

Let go, I say to myself. Just be present. An owl hoots. A cockroach asks to be invited in. I say no and invite him out. Another bird is warbling. I consider my day: Zazen at Veteran’s Park at ten, coffee at Barnes and Nobles’ afterwards. An open afternoon presents itself although I will likely visit the hospital and the nursing home.

And after that, nap and study time.

But just now, buttered cinnamon-sugar toast awaits my mouth. I am grateful indeed for the many hands and lives that bring such delicious foods to me!

Be well, y’all.


  1. Hey, Coffee at Barnes and Nobles, that's my definition of a good afternoon...coffe and books.

    In gasho.

  2. I can feel your calmness, Roshi :)
