Organ Mountain Zen

Thursday, April 29, 2010


With palms together,
Good Morning Everyone,

Zen is a perfect practice for everyday life. Zen is everyday life lived with eyes wide open and mind attuned to exactly what is before us to do. In such a way of life everything is practice: being ‘late’, being ‘on-time’, doing the laundry, doing the dishes, driving the car, making sales calls, planning tomorrow, everything.

To help us accomplish this, Buddha taught his Four Establishments of Mindfulness Sutra. The sutra teaches deliberate living. As we go through our day, we deliberately place our attention on what it is we are experiencing in body, sensations, mind, and dharma (or mental content). A gatha of sorts is its ground: “typing on my computer I am aware that I am typing on my computer.”

This is a deceptively simple, but deeply rich practice. As we go about deliberate living, our own responsibility for ourselves arises to greet us. We begin to notice everything including that which we can do and that which we cannot do. We begin to develop the wisdom to know the difference. Our willingness and unwillingness come into consciousness. And in this, we make decisions.

So, let us begin today to be the perfection of wisdom.

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. A highly precious technique. Thanks for reminding. I am putting it into practice.
