Organ Mountain Zen

Thursday, April 1, 2010


With palms together,
Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday I visited a Nursing Home to arrange visits and transportation to services at Temple Beth El. The person I was visiting sat in his wheelchair slumped facing his bed. He was still, as if in deep meditation, and indeed, had studied with Senzaki roshi years ago in California. We talked for a little while, or what passed for talking, mostly him asking me the same questions and I answering the same answers. Every once in awhile he will say with fire in his eyes, “Zen!”

I practice kinhin through the halls on the way out of the home whispering to myself, “Gya te, gya te, hara gya te, hara so gya te, Bodhi so waka!”

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. HH: A Zen Buddhist really needs to spend time in our nation's nursing homes. So much there to be learned.
